What happens when military life gets in the way of your dreams?
That’s what happened to Morgan Scully. From a young age Morgan knew she wanted to be in the profession of helping and healing. She graduated with a BS in psychology, and a MA in counseling, with a goal of entering the mental health profession. But moving with the military made starting her own practice challenging.
She tried everything from teaching school, to planning travel, to getting involved with an MLM company. But she always knew she was meant for more and that she that had a passion for mental health.
In this episode we talk about Morgan’s journey, what she’s learned along the way, and how she was finally able to find a way to combine her background and passion for mental health, with her love and respect of animals, and step into a purpose that is truly a dream come true.
We unpack:
I can’t wait to share this conversation with you!
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[00:00:00] Christine: Hey friends. Welcome back to the Milspouse Mastermind Show. Today you get to hear a conversation I had with Morgan Scully and Morgan’s story might sound familiar to your own. From a young age, Morgan knew she wanted to be in the profession of helping and healing. She graduated with a b, s and psychology and an MA in counseling.
[00:00:22] With a goal of entering the mental health profession, but moving with the military made starting her own practice challenging. She tried everything from teaching school to planning travel, to getting involved with an mlm, but she always knew she was meant for more and she had a passion for mental health.
[00:00:43] Today, Morgan works as an equine gestaltist. Don’t know what that is? You’ll find out today. We’ll talk about Morgan’s journey, what she’s learned along the way, and how she was finally able to find a way to combine her background and passion for mental health with her love and respect of animals, and step into a purpose that is truly a dream come true.
[00:04:21] Okay, without further ado, here’s my conversation with Morgan, talking about finding your own identity as a military spouse dealing with unique stresses of military life and what it feels like to step into your unique purpose.
[00:04:42] Morgan Scully, welcome to the Milspouse Mastermind Show. Would you introduce yourself? Tell us a little bit about you.
[00:04:48] Morgan: Thank you so much for having me on today. I have been military spouse since 2007. I grew up in Texas, just north of the Houston area.
[00:05:04] I went to Texas A&M University. I got my degree in psychology there and went on to Sam Houston State where I got my master’s in counseling. And throughout all of that I was dating my now husband. He went to the Air Force Academy and we dated long distance the whole four years that he was there.
[00:05:26] Once I graduated. From Sam Houston, and that’s when we got married, the, um, December of 2007. And we’ve been, you know, I, I didn’t even count. We’ve been maybe five places now together. And, um, we are now, we’ve ended up in Colorado Springs area and that’s where we’re gonna stay. He’s transitioned into the reserves, so this is home now and we’ve been here.
[00:05:53] Um, seven, almost. Yeah, seven years now. So that’s long time.
[00:05:58] Christine: It’s an amazingly long time in military years.
[00:06:03] Morgan: So, like I said, I got my undergrad psychology, my master’s in counseling, and right after I graduated, we moved to Del Rio. For pilot training for him, and I never really got to use my degree. I worked at the mental health clinic in town and then when we realized he was gonna vape, I worked at a small private school and um, Del Rio was one of our favorite.
[00:06:26] Stations that we were, we’ve ever been at. I loved being part of the community there. Uh, I was never able to get my full license though, because there was nobody there to supervise me. And so I never got to do exactly what it was I had gone to school for and had a passion for. Um, I had some other jobs in between while we were in other stations and then we came here and when we realized that we were gonna stay here and stay put, um, my girls.
[00:06:55] Started, you know, school age and it was time for me to find what it was I wanted to do with my time. I, um, like I said, I’ve always loved the mental health field and my daughter, my oldest daughters, she started taking horseback riding lessons and I started noticing that. When we would go out there, if I had been hurried or stressed to get to the lesson on time, it didn’t matter because when I left I was calm and I felt different than when I arrived at the barn.
[00:07:28] And so that kind of got me thinking and I started exploring some different options about equine therapy and landed on the Touched by Horse Program. Um, Then the pandemic hit and my husband transitioned from active duty to the reserves on February 29th, 2020. Um, so
[00:07:52] Christine: you were so not
[00:07:53] Morgan: prepared? We were not prepared.
[00:07:55] And, uh, he did have a, an offer for one of the major airlines, but had not started training, so that didn’t come to fruition right away. We made it through, it was. Not the easiest, but through all of that, it was kind of evident. You know, you never know what’s gonna happen, you should just go for it. And so I applied for the Touch by Horse program and I was accepted and started January of 2021.
[00:08:22] Christine: That’s awesome. Okay, so let’s first go back to going to Del Rio. And since I have been there personally, I, I can totally vouch for sometimes you get an assignment and it is not what you want. Uh, the opportunities are not what you. Are hoping for, and yet it is some of these small bases in the middle of seemingly nowhere where you can really build some amazing yes friendships and, and have some amazing opportunities if you are willing to.
[00:08:59] Go outside what you expected and the original ideas you had for your life. So I know for me, going there and realizing, unless I’m bilingual, I’m probably not getting a job in marketing and saying, okay, like now what do I do? So I kind of feel like that was the same for you. Talk a little bit about what it was like to have that realization that I cannot do the thing I thought I was gonna do, and where do I go from here?
[00:09:27] Morgan: So, you know, we moved there, we were, we had been married maybe three months at the time when we moved to Del Rio. So no kids yet or anything like that. And I wanted to get out, I wanted to do something, you know, during the day. And so I, I applied first for the mental health clinic and I thought, well, that’s at least in line with my degree and what I had wanted to do.
[00:09:50] And, you know, I can get some experience that way. And I stayed with that job for a little while, but, It was not something long-term. It’s not exactly what I thought it was gonna be when I took the position. And I learned a lot. I’ve learned so much from every job that I’ve had, you know, everyone has, has been what I needed at that time.
[00:10:10] And, um, I’ve taken great things away from all of them. And so I, I did, um, Put in my notice for that one when we found out he was gonna vape and I decided that I would go teach and my mom was a teacher all growing up and um, I love working with kids and so that still was, I could do something that I love.
[00:10:34] And I applied at the Sweet Private School and I loved my two years there. Um, the only reason I quit that was because I had my first little girl. Um, and also while I was teaching there, I taught dance at the local dance studio and. The connections that you got to make and being out in town. And you know, when I taught at the private school, I had this mixture of kids.
[00:10:58] Some of ’em lived in the town, a few of ’em were military, but you also had kids that would cross the border and come over for school. And then you had like the ranch kids that would come in. And so it was this really interesting mix. Of families and kids, and I just, I loved it. And I still think about a lot of those kids.
[00:11:15] Some of ’em, you know, I still follow on Facebook. And so I think that’s what made Del Rio such a great assignment was like you said, the connections. And yes, it was a small town, but we had fun. You know, we lived on base, so all of our friends were within walking distance and drop nights were a huge deal.
[00:11:34] You know, it was just, it’s, we’ve never been in a base. Like Del Rio. And I think, um, we really learned to make the most of any situation at that location. And, you know, we still keep in contact with a lot of the people we met
[00:11:48] Christine: there. Same, same. Yeah. It’s, it’s crazy to say, okay, th that’s not like the assignment of anybody’s dreams necessarily, but, Just what is possible when you can just say, okay, let’s, let’s choose to make the most of this, and then to see what comes out of that.
[00:12:06] Yeah. So let’s walk through, you move around some and you’re still trying to figure out, okay, what do I wanna do? And was it really that? Your kids going back and starting school that were like, okay, it’s time for me to step into the next season. I think part of it, cuz I did
[00:12:22] Morgan: some, you know, I, I, I did the multi-level marketing and that’s not, I don’t, that’s not my personality.
[00:12:28] That’s not, doesn’t play to my strengths. So that was just not the right fit for me. Um, I did, uh, travel agent. I was a travel agent for a while, and then that kind of in the pandemic was sort of what phased out of that. And it, it was my daughter, my youngest started kindergarten this year, and so she would be gone, you know, half day every day.
[00:12:50] And I was ready. I was ready to have something that was for me and that I felt like I was really making a difference in the world. And mental health had always been kind of that thing for me. And the fact that I get to do it with animals was just a huge plus in my book. So I knew when I found this, it was, it was such a quick decision.
[00:13:15] I. For me to apply and then be accepted that I knew it had to be right, because it was just, it, it felt right. It just, it was time.
[00:13:22] Christine: So talk about exactly what it is that this program was and what it is that you now do.
[00:13:29] Morgan: So the program, it was a two year program. And, um, it’s a certification program.
[00:13:34] So I went through a lot of training on, um, g Gestalt therapy is what we use, which is an experiential therapeutic process. So I learned all about Gestalt and how to do gestalt and. Then we also learned how to work with horses as our partners in this partnership. The horse is equal, in some cases, far superior to what I can do for my client.
[00:14:02] And I look to them for information, for guidance, for clues as to what’s really going on in my client’s body. We do a lot with somatic work in the chakras, in the body. Um, and this was something I had never dabbled at, like. I knew nothing about this, but it interested me in the fact that it had a horse.
[00:14:21] And the thing that really drew me to this particular program was how much she honored the horses in the work that she does. The Melissa Pierce is the developer, um, of Touch by Horse and the equine Gestalt coaching Method. And so that kind of was what set this particular. Um, program apart for me. And I went in and I didn’t know anything about horses.
[00:14:46] I didn’t grow up with horses. I just have always loved animals and it’s just incredible what I learned. We, we had to go through our own work. We had to do our own work and as part of our certification process, uh, because we can be more effective for our clients if we’ve. Don’t have all that stuff still in our background.
[00:15:11] Um, and then I just learned about all about horses and in two years we acquired two horses of our own. Um, and so it was kind of a whirlwind, uh, it doesn’t feel like it was just two years ago I started, but here we are and I’m ready and. Um, I feel like it was my true calling that this was what I was meant to do.
[00:15:30] Christine: It’s so fun to see how all of these pieces of our story can actually come together, especially when we are willing to think outside the box because we all have this idea of I want to be more than a milspouse. I want to have this way that I am able to serve and, and really to make a difference. But then you go through and you’re like, okay, like how do I find my thing?
[00:15:55] How do I find my purpose? And you know, there’s an element to teaching, there’s an element to mental health. There’s this element of, well, I mean, I think a lot of us as military spouses at one point or another have tried the MLM approach. Like, let me just find a way that I can have that time freedom, that flexibility, and.
[00:16:14] Still bring in that income and then to say, Hey, I also have this love for animals. How in the world do all of these pieces fit together? And so to, to begin to step into okay, that, that there is even a program out there that kind of combines all of the things that I’m passionate about and allows me to make a difference in the lives of others.
[00:16:39] Um, and that’s just, So powerful, and I think when we can find those ways to use what is unique to us and to make an impact on other people, that’s where we will ultimately find that fulfillment that we are looking for. I don’t know a lot about this therapy, just salt. So can you explain what it is and actually how it works?
[00:17:04] Sure, sure thing. So,
[00:17:06] Morgan: gestalt is a German word and there’s not, um, an exact translation to English, but, um, a rough translation would be wholeness or flowing into wholeness. So, You want to come into your whole self. Um, it’s a very experiential and so, so when you come out, if with my horse it’s, uh, you, we set up what’s called an experiment.
[00:17:31] You do a piece of work and you set up an experiment for you to be able to have an experience around. Your trauma, you’re lost, you know, whatever, whatever it is bringing you to me at the time. And the principle behind that is that you will never forget something that you experience. And I feel like that usually it’s an experience that’s bringing somebody to me, right?
[00:17:52] So they’ve, they’ve experienced something in their past that. They would like to deal with or move on from. So we’re gonna create a new experience that takes the charge out of that old one. It lets you finish all that unfinished business and it takes this background from your life that could be affecting your present.
[00:18:11] And makes it no, it, it no more charge. And so it’s all about getting rid of that unfinished business, completing that unfinished business. And then the horse, A horse is a natural gestalt test. So if you live a Gestalt way of life, you live in the present moment. You don’t worry about what’s happened in the past and you’re not anxious about what’s going to happen in the future.
[00:18:32] And that is a horse so left out in their natural state. They are very present centered. If they don’t hold grudges, um, they don’t worry about what’s gonna happen to them in five minutes. They’re all about in the moment. And the cool thing about horses is they’re very drawn to people who are incongruence.
[00:18:53] So we as humans can only hear what somebody is saying to us. We can’t see what they’re thinking. We don’t know what they’re feeling in their body. A horse can see when all three of those things are incongruent. So a horse doesn’t care if you’re mad or you’re angry. That’s not gonna scare them as long as you’re mad or angry throughout your whole body, and then they’re gonna be drawn to you, they’re gonna wanna be near you.
[00:19:19] And so that’s when they come in and they can give me clues if my client is not incongruence with themself. So that’s kind of the overview of Gestalt, uh, and how the horse plays a part of it and is my partner. Um, and you can do Gestalt without horses. It it. Just really cool to have a horse there, you know, supporting what you’re saying as a client because they will, they’ll let you know if what you’re saying is really your truth or
[00:19:45] Christine: not.
[00:19:45] And so then does the horse play a role in not just identifying that there’s a lack of congruence, but in, in the healing process as well
[00:19:55] Morgan: can, and that that’s really a cool thing to watch. So, Um, I don’t know if you’re familiar with reiki. Have you ever heard of a little bit? Reiki? Okay. Okay. So horses are able to, um, Basically tune our chakras for us.
[00:20:08] So our chakras are energy sources and they have, you know, certain vibrations and a horse can take their body, line it up with your chakra, and, and tune your chakra much like a tuning fork would do. Um, and so that can help with the healing process. And they also, um, are able to pull negative energy from our bodies.
[00:20:30] And then they get rid of it for us in a bunch of different ways. So yes, they can alert and then they also can help with the healing of the somatics in the body.
[00:20:39] Christine: So what has this process been like as you learned this model of therapy and then you’ve gotten the horses, how has kind of developing your own practice looks like and, and what is, what are some of the things that you’ve learned through this process?
[00:20:58] Morgan: Oh gosh. Well, I learned a lot about myself throughout the training for sure, because that was part of it, you know, doing, I learned all about my values and um, what they are. I learned about my parts of self and kind of what parts show up in different situations and how to change that. And then I’ve learned, I never thought that I would be.
[00:21:22] Starting my own business. And that was probably the biggest learning curve for me, um, because I’m, I’m temperament is a huge part of what we do in this program and I’m very much an introvert. And so getting out there and talking to people and getting my name out there has been hands down the hardest part for me.
[00:21:45] Um, I’m also not super. Into technology, I guess. So, you know, building my own website and getting all of that set up, those have been, they weren’t as bad as I thought they were gonna be. I’ll say that, but those were the most intimidating things when I first started, and I think just making myself do it has been the, because it’s one of those.
[00:22:10] You always, or at least I did, but imagine worst case scenario and very rarely does the worst case scenario happen. So pushing myself past my comfort zone has been the biggest
[00:22:21] Christine: thing. I mean, and that’s where the growth takes place, right? When we we step into, okay. Here’s the thing that I feel called to do, and it’s always gonna take us outside of our comfort zone.
[00:22:32] And then when we step into that, then we reach that next level of growth and our ability to make an impact in the lives of others. So talk to us a little more about this program and like you said, you talk about values and, and what are some of these elements that you w work through with somebody?
[00:22:51] Morgan: Okay, so probably my favorite thing that I did in this program, other than, you know, learn about the courses, but the favorite tool that we, we had to use in this program was vision.
[00:23:02] So I, I know a lot of people have probably heard of vision boards and those are great, but handwriting of vision is one of the most powerful things you can do and the bigger the better. And very first assignment when I started this program was, To write my vision and I wrote it and I, I enjoy writing, so this was a fun thing for me to do.
[00:23:23] And, you know, she would, our coach and, and Melissa, the creator, would always say, if your palms don’t sweat, it’s not big enough. And so pushing myself, because I would get hung up on the, well, how is this gonna happen? Like, really, like how, how is all this gonna happen in three years or whatever the timeframe may have been?
[00:23:44] I would get hung up on that. And that’s not. What you need to focus on. And so when I go back and I read, you know, my first vision that I wrote or look back at just how far I’ve come, it’s incredible to see. How much has happened in that vision? And you know, the first thing I did when I got my certification was to rewrite my vision for, you know, more years into the future with, with what I wanted for this business.
[00:24:11] And just learning that, putting things out there, it’s really incredible what comes back to you when you have the right mindset and. You just believe and you trust, which trust is my number one value. That was very eye-opening as well. We had to do our, our top values, like which you would think of and mine’s trust.
[00:24:30] We also had to do our top move away values to see what is it that we avoid at all costs. You know, and, and mine was conflict or is conflict. And so learning all this about yourself, you can really stop in any situation and, and see how these are, these values or, or, you know, your vision or whatever it may be, is playing into that situation.
[00:24:52] And it’s pretty empowering to know what’s going on behind the scenes, sort of, you know, to understand. And then also the temperament, that temperament fascinates me and, um, how that plays into your daily life. And the decisions you make and how you react to a
[00:25:08] Christine: situation. Well, there’s just so much power in knowing ourselves.
[00:25:12] Mm-hmm. And, and knowing. Having that understanding of who we are as people because it’s so easy to get caught up in life and busyness and doing all the things that we completely lose sense of what really matters to us and, and sometimes like even who we are as we’re like trying to. Reinvent ourselves with each and every move that we make and, and saying, okay, like, okay, well now I’m a teacher or now I’m this or that.
[00:25:43] And, and to have that understanding of these are the core of who I am as a person and. That that can be really powerful.
[00:25:54] Morgan: It is, it is. And it’s interesting to go back and look too at things that have happened in the past or decisions that I’ve made in the past to see, even though I didn’t clearly have my values defined at that time, they still played a huge role in whatever dec the decision was I made.
[00:26:10] Or you know, how the outcome of the situation, whatever it may be, to go back and look at that. It’s like, oh yeah, these have always been part of who I am and. Now I can see, you know, and, and now it, it’s just, I don’t know if easier is the right word, but it’s more clear, um, when I’m making decisions or whatever it may be to have those
[00:26:31] Christine: defined.
[00:26:32] So when it comes to therapy, are you able to do therapy without the courses or is. The horse an essential piece of the therapy. The horse is
[00:26:42] Morgan: definitely the most fun part of it, but I think that it’s not, what I like to do is kind of a combination, so it’s not practical for somebody to come out and do a horse, uh, you know, an equine session every time, nor is it needed every time because that’s when the real deep, um, work happens and.
[00:27:04] You might not need to do a huge deep piece every time you come see me. So you can, you can do either phone or Zoom sessions, you know, maybe you do three or four Zoom sessions and then you come out and you do a session with the horse. And then we do follow up zoom sessions for the next part. So kind of a combination.
[00:27:22] You don’t have to have the horse there. We can do groups, you can do, um, zoom groups. It’s it. Workshops, retreats. There’s all different formats. The horse just kind of. Emphasizes everything. But no, the horse is not necessary. And like right now in Colorado, horse sessions are not, the weather’s too unpredictable.
[00:27:45] So it is more seasonal, uh, to be able to have the
[00:27:48] Christine: equine sessions. So are you able to work with people who are not in Colorado? I am,
[00:27:54] Morgan: I am. We can do zoom sessions, we can do zoom groups, phone calls. I do prefer zoom sessions. I like to see people face to face. And cuz so much depends on body language and what their body’s doing when they say something that you can’t necessarily pick up over the phone.
[00:28:13] So yeah, zoom sessions are a great way to do that. And then, If the Zoom sessions get to a point where they’re like, you know what? I think I wanna come out into an equine session, then, you know, that we can, we can arrange on, we can do even like an intensive, like three or four equine sessions over a weekend to make their trip worth it if it, you know, if it gets to that point.
[00:28:33] Christine: So talk about the transformation that you’ve seen and what it’s been like in your own life to be able to identify the things that have been holding you back. And to work through that and with others that you’ve worked with.
[00:28:48] Morgan: I’ll start with myself. So personally, I was a big time warrior. I could worry about anything really well and that was not serving me well.
[00:29:01] Um, especially I think in this lifestyle, you know, through deployment and whatnot. Worrying does not make it go faster. It doesn’t make them come home faster. All it does is make you miserable and more stressed and more stressed, you know, for the 3, 6, 9, 12, however long they’re gone. And so I, that was one of the biggest things I worked on and kind of where my anxiety was coming from and keeping it at bay and not letting it creep in.
[00:29:33] And when it did creep in, being able to say, whoa. This is not happening right now. This is not something I need to worry about. We’ll worry about it when it hap and I think I was really tested on that through the pandemic with just the uncertainty of careers and, and all of that. So I was thankful I was in the program during that because we did have, every other week we had a call, we had, we had coaches throughout this program and we would have a call every other week.
[00:30:01] And so she kind of kept me. And check with that, and then to look back and see how I came into this with zero horse knowledge and zero knowledge about energy work to where I am now. Being able to recognize it, being able to take care of my horses when there is a problem, knowing what to do, you know, look, I think looking back is such a powerful tool.
[00:30:27] Because we don’t always feel like we’ve accomplished a lot, but we have, cuz all those little small victories lead to this huge success. And so learning to be more appreciative of the little things and take a step back and say, you know what, that was really incredible that I just did. That has been a big thing for me.
[00:30:46] Now on a client level, there were some people that I went through training with. So I got to see, you know, two years work worth of transformation in them, and one in particular that I’m thinking of made a really big impression on me. She was very quiet, very neat. Her voice would kind of shake when she would speak, just not, not a ton of confidence.
[00:31:10] And to think about her now and what she’s doing and that, you know, she’s bold. She speaks her mind. She’s confident in what she does. I think that that. That was one of the most impactful transformations that I have seen. I think just watching people come into the seat with their shoulders slumped their voice, shaky, cracking, and watch them leave the arena.
[00:31:39] Put their shoulders back, their head up, and their voice clearer, where you can actually hear a difference in their voice. That is one of the reasons why I do this for sure, to be able to see somebody develop that confidence, to get clarity, to be able to break free from anxiety, because we all know that there’s a lot of stress and uncertainty that comes with this.
[00:32:06] Military lifestyle and, and to be able to say, I’m not gonna let these obstacles and the uncertainty of it all define me and keep me feeling stuck, plain small, not having that confidence to fully step into who each of us were created to be. That’s powerful.
[00:32:28] Morgan: It is, it is. It’s a, it’s a good feeling. It’s, um, it’s a feeling that kind of solidifies the fact that you’re where you should be.
[00:32:36] I think, at least for me, the feeling that I would leave, you know, the trainings with the feeling that I have now with this business, it’s just confirmation that, yep. This is what you’re supposed to be doing,
[00:32:50] Christine: which is an amazing feeling to have. It’s, I mean, I think that’s what we ultimately are all after, is that peace that we are exactly where we need to be right now.
[00:33:00] Yes. Yes. Okay. Now I’m very curious cuz you talked about riding out your big vision. What is your dream? What is your vision for the
[00:33:08] Morgan: future? So, well, my original vision, it talked a lot about finding a horse and, and the horse coming to me. And here we are with two horses and I do believe that they found me.
[00:33:22] I don’t take any credit for finding them. I think that they. They found their way to me in their, their own time. I’m very thankful for that. And um, like one example was I talked about having a horse trailer and I’d forgotten about that part. And we have a horse trailer now to transport Trixie. Um, so it was, there’s.
[00:33:44] Those things like that. I think the future stuff that has not manifested yet, um, I would love to write a book that’s, uh, something I dream about. I I wanna get more time in the business under my belt before I do that. I want it to be a very credible product when I put it out. And so that’s a big one for me.
[00:34:05] Um, eventually, Owning some land where the horses can live in our backyard is a big dream for us. We attempted this go round for that to happen, but the, the universe made it very clear. It’s not quite time for that, so that’s okay. It will happen in the future. And let’s see, what are the other big ones? I have a couple, um, retreat type or workshop type things in my vision that I would love to do in the future.
[00:34:34] Uh, one of ’em is a joint venture with another coach who has. Big time military ties where she would work with the adults from the family, and I would take the kiddos and the teens and we would do like a long weekend type retreat for families. Um, so yeah, those are the big things that I’m looking forward to
[00:34:55] Christine: happening in the future.
[00:34:56] That is awesome. And I, I think it’s important for us to all recognize that just because something doesn’t happen, Right when we think we want it to. That doesn’t mean that it’s not going to happen, that that just means the timing is not right at this season. But there’s so much power when we can start to dream about what is possible for the future and to get that clarity on.
[00:35:22] What we really want and what is most important to us so that we can really start to just take those baby steps, those action steps in the right direction. And it’s those little changes, those like 1% changes. Those things that we don’t feel like are big thing. But when we can do that and show up consistently, that’s how we’ve.
[00:35:47] Achieve those big results. Thank you so much for coming on today and sharing your story. Thank you so much for having me. This was so great. So how can everybody connect with you, find out more about what you do, or if they’re interested in doing a virtual session session? Tell us all the things.
[00:36:04] Morgan: Okay. So my website is um, www.barndoorbeginnings.com.
[00:36:12] Um, you can also find me on Facebook, same thing, barn door beginnings. And then my email is just morgan barn door beginnings.com.
[00:36:21] Christine: Perfect. Well, I’ll link all of that below in the show notes. Thank you again for sharing your story, your journey to purpose as a military spouse, because I think it’s important for us to hear that this is possible for us as military spouses, and that journey’s gonna look unique for all of us.
[00:36:42] But it is available to us. And when we can really step into what that is, that feeling that we, we are right where we need to be, is so powerful. Friends, thank you so much for listening today. You are more than a milspouse and I am rooting for you. I hope you will go check out barn door beginnings.com, connect with Morgan.
[00:37:05] I just wanna say I am so excited. For this deep dive that we’re gonna go on together next week, where we’ll be able to dive into what’s really holding you back and how you can step into your full potential and feel empowered to create a life of more meaning and less overwhelm as a military spouse.
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