Yes, you can dream big as a military spouse. Yes, you can have a plan to avoid the dream killers that threaten to derail your progress. But you’re still unlikely to take action when you feel stressed out and overwhelmed by everything on your plate.
So what needs to change? Is there a way to make this a reality, not just for other military spouses, but for YOU??
In this limited time replay of the Balance Without Burnout Masterclass, we discuss:
I pray this blesses you!
STOP THE OVERWHELM: How to Prioritize What Matters Most to You (FREE WORKSHEET)
FIND YOUR TRIBE: Join the Free MilSpouse Mastermind FB Community
DISCOVER WHO YOU ARE MEANT TO BE: MilSpouse Purpose Playbook
GET SUPPORT: Request a Get Unstuck Coaching Session
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[00:00:00] Christine: Welcome to a bonus episode of the milspouse mastermind show. I went live in our free Facebook community earlier this week, and I decided I would go ahead and share this conversation with all of you. This is really taking a deeper dive into what we talked about last week. I ask all of my community, what do you struggle?
[00:00:23] What is contributing to your stress and your overwhelm, and really what came back was the sense of how do I do it all? How do I manage all the things? And what I realized is so much of what is keeping us stuck that is keeping us from pursuing the things on our heart is the sense of how will I make this work?
[00:00:45] How can it become a reality for me? And if we don’t believe that it is possible, We will continue to stay stuck. So I hope you enjoy this bonus masterclass replay of balance without burnout, how to practically chase a dream without adding to the stress and overwhelm you already feel you ready. Here’s the replay of balance without burnout
[00:02:06] So the reason. I really wanted to dive into this concept of balance without burnout, you know, last week was the anniversary. The 100th episode of the mill spouse mastermind show in it was super exciting to realize that over the last 18 months together, there have been a hundred episodes of me showing.
[00:02:28] Every single week to have a conversation about how we can thrive as military spouses. And we talked a lot last week about how to dream big for your life as a military spouse. And we talked about two of the most common dream killers that get in the weight of our. But I wanted to do a deeper dive today because I feel like so many people still stay stuck and we’re gonna dive into why you get stuck and what we can do to actually break free.
[00:03:08] And so I’ve been asking, um, questions, trying to figure out, okay, I know you’re experiencing the stress and anxiety. Like what’s really behind this and how can I help you move forward and learn how to get unstuck and craft a life of purpose as a military spouse. And, and here’s one of the big problems. We feel this sense of stress and overwhelm in our life.
[00:03:35] And here’s where you’re struggling to figure out how you actually make time for yourself, how you manage your time, how you prioritize everything on your full calendar, you know, that you struggle with overcommitting with taking too much on. And there’s so much that require. Your time and attention because your spouse is busy and they may not be available, or they may be off on a trip and you may need childcare and you’re having trouble finding some childcare, or you’re trying to get your kids to all of their activities.
[00:04:11] And that’s taking so much time and attention. You had to move. And there is so much that goes into moving your life from one location to another. Just the mental load of trying to carry it all for everyone in your family, to make sure that everybody else has what they need and your needs are going on the back burner.
[00:04:34] And you’re like, I can’t even manage life as it is. So how in the world would I be even began to dream big for my own life and for my. You think, how is this even possible for me? Because I can’t even manage what is on my plate right now. And this is leading you to the sense of, well, I can’t do the thing on my heart.
[00:05:00] It just needs to stay on the back burner. And so, because you’re not sure how to make it happen. You stay stuck. And it only increases the cycle of more frustration, more stress and more overwhelmed in your life. And so we have a really big goal for our time together today, because I want you to walk away with three things from our time together today.
[00:05:33] And the first thing is that I want you to believe. That it is possible for you to pursue a dream as military spouse. And number two, I wanna show you how this is possible, how you can do this without adding to the overwhelm on your plate without leading you to burn out. How do we balance this all without bringing ourselves?
[00:06:03] Okay. And so in the process, we’re going to help you get out of this cycle of stress and overwhelm and show you how you can step into a life of peace and purpose. Does that sound good? All right. So I wanna start with this assertion and it’s part of my intro on the podcast. I say it every single. That when you step into your.
[00:06:32] You trade frustration for fulfillment and isolation for a life of impact. And that’s truly my mission to empower you, to find purpose, to be able to chase your dreams with more joy and less overwhelm, because. So many people have laced, those dreams, those passions on the back burner, and they stay stuck in a life they don’t love.
[00:06:59] And there’s this sense of resentment over military life. There’s this sense of my life is on hold and I have to wait until some future season to do the things that light me. And this is only perpetuating this cycle of frustration and overwhelm and anxiety. So we’re gonna dig into all of this together today, but I just want to take a moment before we really dive in.
[00:07:28] And ask you to take a couple of minutes with me and just take a few deep breaths. Now, this is how we are able to be able to focus, to absorb what we’re talking about today and just be present because there’s so much going on around us. There’s so much where our. Feel busy all the time and rarely do we take this time to just take some deep breaths.
[00:07:54] And this allows us to calm our bodies down and to focus on what’s right in front of us. So just take a few minutes with me, breathe in, let it out, breathe in, let it out. Breathe in. Flow it out. All right. Thank you for doing that. If you have the ability to stop what you’re doing and just focus on yourself and on really filling your cup for the next several minutes, I would love for you to be able to do that.
[00:08:31] Now I understand you might be trying to do something else at the same time. You might have kids asking you questions. You might be driving and that’s just not possible, but if it. A possibility for you to take some time for yourself. I think this will really help us to be able to start to process all of this stress and overwhelm we feel and figure out how there’s a way for it.
[00:08:54] How there’s a path forward for you. So that you understand that you don’t have to be a victim of your life, your circumstances. There’s a way to find peace and purpose and fulfillment. And there’s a way for you to do the things on your heart and pursue them in a sustainable way. And in the process, come to embrace.
[00:09:18] The life you have and make the most of it. Now, if you have not been following the mill spouse mastermind show for a while, let me just briefly tell you a little bit about me and my story and why I’m so passionate about this. After I take the sip of water. I am Christine. Um, I’ve finally come to accept that they I’m now referred to as a seasoned military spouse.
[00:09:45] Um, my husband and I have been married for 13 years. Um, so we’ve been together in this journey for about 15 years now. So, um, I’ve moved several times and I’ve learned a lot. Along the way. And I’ve learned all the ways not to do things. And my goal is to really help save you. Some of the frustration I have experienced in my own life and really give us a path.
[00:10:11] Forward. Um, so let me tell you a little bit where about where my story began. When I met my husband, he was already in the military and I was not interested in this lifestyle at all. I had my own career path, my dreams, I had it all figured out. This is what I wanna do. And then I fell in love and realized I didn’t want to spend my life without him.
[00:10:39] And so I embarked on this journey of military life and our very first PCs together took me to my worst nightmare. Um, I dreaded getting moved to a place. Um, I did not want to live in a small town. I did not want to feel like I had no opportunities. And we went to a very. Small base in the middle of nowhere where you couldn’t get a job unless you were bilingual.
[00:11:09] And I was not. So I really struggled during that timeframe. I MOED a lot until I really decided to take ownership of my life and make something happen. Long story short, short, I ended up opening up a coffee shop, running that for a couple of years, and I really fell in love with this process of entrepreneurship of business ownership.
[00:11:36] But I didn’t know how to do that without burnout. I was working roughly 70 hours a week. My husband was working 60 hours a week and I was like, this is. Sustainable. If we want to have a healthy relationship and we didn’t even have kids at the time. And so I was like, okay, there are some really good nuggets of learning right here.
[00:11:57] I have loved entrepreneurship. I have loved getting to make my own schedule, getting to really do something that I’m passionate about, but how do I do that without burning out? And what really happened over the next four years is we moved four times. and I had three babies, which did not really help me lead me to this, figuring out all of the problems.
[00:12:23] And so I kept throwing spaghetti at the wall, trying to figure out what was going to allow me to use my skills, to do something that I was passionate about. While still prioritizing the needs of my family. How could I do this without burning my myself out in the process? And I tried working full-time I tried working part-time I tried working as a contractor.
[00:12:47] I tried being a stay-at-home mom. I tried all of these things, looking for this sense of fulfillment and how could I love. My life as a military spouse. And I went and I researched and I read all the things and I watched all of the videos and I was like, surely, how can I make this work for my life as a military spouse?
[00:13:11] And over the last decade, I’ve really looked at how we find fulfillment and that ultimately led. To, um, starting a blog, which has now turned into the podcast and me showing up every single week to have conversations about how to thrive as a military spouse on the mill spouse mastermind show. So that’s kind of my story in a nutshell, and I wanna offer you a practical look at how we can create a life that lights us up and impacts the world for good.
[00:13:46] And how can we do the dreams? How can we pursue the things on our heart without burning ourselves out in the process? So as we get started today, I would love for you to just write in the chat. Let me know what you think. Is contributing to your stress, right? I’ll just give you a minute to do that. Um, as we talk about what we think is causing our stress and overwhelm, and I, I think from having conversations with people, um, what often causes us anxiety is feeling like we’re pulled in all directions and not knowing how to do all the things, but I want to offer you another idea.
[00:14:29] For you to consider this morning and it’s this quote, let me see if I can pull it up real fast. So I wanna read this quote for you because I really think it helps frame our discussion about what we think is the problem. And what we can do moving forward. So we think that our problem is our time and the fact that we have so much on our plate, and we’re not sure how to do this.
[00:14:58] that contributes to our stress and our anxiety. this quote is from the boo rhythms of renewalby Rebecca Lyons. And she writes much of our anxiety and stress is created by the purposelessness of our lives. in purposelessness. We never find the peace and fulfillment we need, but if there’s one thing that’s certain it’s that we were made for more, we were designed to dream and to take responsibility for those dreams we were made for meaning.
[00:15:39] And I think this is such an important quote because we, we think that we need to figure out all the time management pieces. We need to figure out how it’s possible before we can take action. And that’s contributing to our overwhelmed and our stress. We are over committed and overwhelmed. But so much of our stress and anxiety is actually created because we don’t have a sense of purpose.
[00:16:05] And that is why I am so passionate about helping military spouses step into their story and to begin to craft a life with purpose. So that’s why our goal today is to really help you. Figure out how this is possible for you, because there’s two things that need to happen. There’s a belief component. You need to believe that this is possible for you and for your life.
[00:16:35] And you need to understand how this is possible, how you actually do that because. That’s gonna help that belief component, that you see that there is a way to do this, and that’s gonna help fuel that belief that this is possible for you. And it may not look the way that you think it should look or the, or you may not move at the speed.
[00:16:58] You think you should move. But it is possible for your life today. And so I wanna talk about six things that we can do to really craft a life with purpose and to find this balance and to be able to pursue the thing on our heart without burning ourselves out in the process. Now, before I get to that, I just wanna spend a couple of.
[00:17:26] Focus on why belief matters so much and why transformation has to start at the level of belief. Okay. So really when it comes to belief, our thoughts. Are what determine our actions, our responses, our thought about something really determines what we do and the attitudes and actions that we take, the behaviors and habits, and ultimately how we live our life.
[00:18:03] If we do not believe that it is. It will not be possible for us. I have this conversation with my kids, a lot about eating foods at dinnertime. They’re like, I’m not gonna like this. And I say, yes, if you do not believe you are going to like this, it doesn’t matter what the food tastes like. You are not going to like it because you have to have that.
[00:18:29] That you might like something before it’s possible, whether you believe it’s possible or not. That is true. And so we really have to get to this part where we can think that something. Is possible. We have to be able to reframe our lives as military spouses and step into that life with purpose. And that will lead us out of this place of overwhelm and burnout and into a life that matters.
[00:19:03] So we’re gonna talk about six things that we can do to really begin to find that balance without burnout, how this is possible for you. And I’m gonna go over these six components and then we’re really gonna focus on this last one, because I think this is more of the, how it becomes a reality in our.
[00:19:26] Step number one is awareness, and this is really just being aware of ourselves and the world around us. This is where we connect. Being in the present moment and, and really understanding what we’re thinking, what we’re feeling what’s going on around us. It’s this sense of mindfulness so that we’re not just staying in a reactionary place when we’re not just letting life happen.
[00:19:56] The first step to getting breaking free from this is being aware of what’s going on and understanding that we are stuck. If we do not have awareness, we cannot change our lives. We must first become aware that something is off. The second piece of this puzzle for us is acceptance. And this is really when we make space for what is, when we are able to grieve life.
[00:20:30] Doesn’t look the way that I wanted it to it. Doesn’t, it didn’t turn out. Not everything happened the way that we want it to. but we can create space for those feelings and begin to embrace the life we have today to stop saying, Hey, I wish things were different. Hey, I wish this hadn’t happened. Hey, I wish that I could be living in this certain place.
[00:20:54] I wish my house or my spouse was not deployed. It’s really to say, okay, I’m gonna make room for all of these things that I feel, and I’m gonna embrace and accept. This is what is, and I can make the most of what I have today. And that’s the third piece of the puzzle. And that’s really taking agency over our lives to say, no, we cannot control our external circumstances.
[00:21:21] We have no control over things that happen to us. But there is something that we do have control over, and that’s what we do with those circumstances, so that there is an event that happens. We can’t control that event, but we can control our response to that event. And what we do with that information, it is really the sense of.
[00:21:48] I’m going to take ownership of the life I have today. I’m going to have agency in my life. I can’t control what happens, but I can control my response and how I choose to process these feelings and emotions and how I choose to act and how I choose to show up every day. It’s this sense of agency in our.
[00:22:16] The fourth thing that is so vital for us is getting that clarity. We have to know. Who we wanna be, how we wanna show up how we wanna live, what our core values are, because we can’t show up as the person that we wanna be. We can’t choose good responses. We can’t really live into our purpose if we don’t even know who we are and what we want.
[00:22:41] And so we really have to take this time to get clear on what our purpose is, what our core values are, who we want to be and how we want to live our lives. And this is what the mill spouse purpose playbook is really all about. It’s hoping you get that clarity so that you can take those next steps so that you can begin to.
[00:23:06] That life of purpose, because if we don’t have clarity, then the rest of it, we’re not going to live into our story. We’re not going to craft a life with purpose. That clarity piece is so important for us. And the wonderful thing about clarity. Is that you can fit that into the cracks of your day. These are things that you can figure out, even if life feels completely overwhelming, even if every hour of your day is spoken for, even if you’re exhausted, you can find these moments where you start to get clear on.
[00:23:40] Who you are and what lights you up and what your core values are. The mill spouse purpose playbook is that step by step guide to get you there. But even if you’re not ready to go into the whole step by step process, I have freebies on the website that allow you to start this process. Number one is the values worksheet to determine.
[00:24:00] Your core values and what is most important to you? That’s available just by going to mill spouse, That’s a great place to get you started thinking about what’s important to you, what lights you up, who you are and who you want to become. So if you haven’t started this process, start somewhere, start getting that clarity.
[00:24:26] That is something that you can. Today to begin to live into your purpose, to be able to start chasing those big dreams, to figure out what is on your heart and how you began to pursue that with your life and your story. So we’ve gotta get that clarity, but clarity. is just a dream until we can take action.
[00:24:52] That action piece is so vital because it’s not about taking this big major, move, this big leap of faith to do something with all of our time and energy. It’s not about quitting your job to date, to go launch something. It’s about these tiny steps that lead us in the right direction that lead us towards purpose to lead us to this place of finding meaning and purpose in our lives.
[00:25:23] Having a reason that we are showing up, we have to do things that lead us closer to. We wanna be and where we wanna go. And if, if we don’t take action, we’re going to continue to stay stuck. The only way we truly get unstuck is when we are able to take action. And then the last piece of this is the alignment piece, how we actually began to align our behaviors, our life around who we want to be.
[00:25:54] And if you go into the milspouse purpose playbook that’s where we talk about three components that are a huge part of this alignment puzzle. And, and just to briefly. Go through that with you. It’s this sense of prioritizing what matters most optimizing our schedule and systemizing our life. So the first piece of this is really being able to prioritize.
[00:26:22] These are the things that matter most in this season. And then we have to put that into our calendar, the calendar, the schedule, that’s a huge piece of our ability to actually do the thing. And then we have to build these systems, these habits, these routines in our lives that support us showing up as the people we wanna be.
[00:26:48] And so we are so focused. On the time management and the systems and the routines, but we oftentimes have not taken ownership of our life. We’ve not chosen to reframe the way that we think about our life. We haven’t gotten the clarity. We haven’t. Done all of these other pieces, because we’re so focused on that, but how is this possible?
[00:27:14] And so that’s what we’re gonna talk about today. I just wanna give you a brief overview of how this is possible for you, so that you can begin at the point of belief to say that it is possible for me to begin to do the thing on my heart to dream. Big and to take these, make these tiny tweaks and these small steps of action in my life.
[00:27:39] It’s possible for me because I can begin to get clarity today. And yes, we’re gonna figure out the component of how we fit this into our schedule and how we build our life around how we create these rhythms, that support who we wanna be. But we can’t forget all of this work on the front. So, let me just quickly walk you through a couple of the elements that we talk about in most spouse’s purpose, playbook, and number one is prioritizing what matters most.
[00:28:12] And that obviously starts with knowing what matters most. And that’s why the clarity piece is so important to understand. Okay. These are my core values. These are the elements of how, who I wanna be and how I wanna show up. This is what I wanna do. This is what my core purpose is. And these are the steps that I need to focus on.
[00:28:39] In this season of my life, you don’t have to have the whole picture figured out, but you need to know what you should be focusing on in this season. And if you don’t have that clarity, then you can’t really prioritize what matters most. So again, I’m gonna tell you, go figure out what your core values are.
[00:29:01] Start to figure out who you wanna be, how you wanna show up, who you wanna serve and really. Get those pieces figured out so that you can begin to say, okay, these are the things that I need to prioritize in this season. And once we figured out, okay, this is what my priorities are for this current season.
[00:29:23] Then we’ve got to go assess what our calendar currently looks. What is everything that we are doing right now and make a list of all of your commitments, everything that you have to do on a daily, weekly, monthly basis, everything that is big and little, and maybe you’re planning for a PCs, and that’s a huge part of how you’re spending your time.
[00:29:50] All of that goes. Onto your sheet of paper, where you are putting down here’s everything, all of my commitments right now. And then you really have to sit down with that and assess is everything I’m doing. Is that helping me achieve my goals is that aligned with what my priorities are for this. Is this helping me become who I’m meant to be.
[00:30:18] And yes, some things just are a part of life. You know, it may not be that laundry excites me because it doesn’t, but I’m connecting that to my core values and to my why into saying, okay, this helps our family. This helps our family thrive and. Yes. That’s a part of what I have to do on a weekly basis. What I get to do to support our family.
[00:30:45] It’s about reframing those things that have to happen. That don’t really feel like they’re fun or aligned with what we wanna do, but to be able to say, okay, I’m volunteering at the school for this event. And it doesn’t really help me in any way. It’s. Really vital in this season. And there are other things that are more important priorities for this season.
[00:31:10] And it doesn’t mean that I can’t volunteer in the future, but it does mean that maybe this isn’t the best use of my time in this season. And I get that that is so much easier said than done because there’s this pressure from. What we, the pressure we put on ourself, the pressure that we think that other people are putting on us, um, the fact that everybody else is doing this thing.
[00:31:35] So surely we should be doing that thing too. But the more that you get clear on what it is that you should be doing, what your priorities are, what your values are, what helps support you and support your. The more, you have to be willing to say no to some really good things so that you can say yes to the right things for you in this season.
[00:32:01] So once you have evaluated everything that is currently on your plate, all of your current commitments. Then you have to ask yourself, is there anything that I need to stop doing? Eliminate the excess. And sometimes this is eliminating something that’s really good, but it isn’t the priority in this season.
[00:32:22] And sometimes that means eliminating the things that you are wasting time. You are. Spending time, um, zoning out in front of the TV when you could be starting to take steps towards living this life a purpose. So it could be something really good or could be something that is just wasting your time and not really restoring you, that is not really lighting you up.
[00:32:47] And so you just have to say. Is this something that I need to eliminate? Is there anything that I can eliminate from my schedule right now? And so then that’s where we can go in and start to optimize our schedule. And there’s really five pieces to this that I think are non-negotiable. And number one is really this sense of having balance in our life.
[00:33:17] And I, I don’t wanna go into all of the growth wheel right now because we could do an entire training just on the growth wheel. But I want you to know that that is another freebie that is available for you on the website. Mill spouse wheel. But this kind of talks about looking at our lives as a whole and how we really create this sense of caring for every aspect of our lives and finding the sense of balance.
[00:33:49] But there are three. Core components to us, really finding balance and feeling this sense of fulfillment in our lives. And that is our ability to care for ourself to have healthy connections with others and to make a contribution that matters. And so if. One of those three elements is missing in our life.
[00:34:13] We’re going to feel like something is off. We’re going to feel like it’s out of balance and we’re not going to find that sense of fulfillment. so we’ve gotta say, Hey, am I doing things to really take care of myself? Am I doing things to allow me to have good, healthy relationships with others? And do I have a sense of purpose, a way that I am contributing to the world around me?
[00:34:45] Um, and so that’s the foundational element for really finding. Purpose finding fulfillment, feeling the sense of balance in our life. Um, the second thing is really coming up with a list of your core commitments. Your core commitments are the things that you do. On a daily, weekly or monthly basis that really allow you to show up as the person that you wanna be.
[00:35:15] And this is getting really granular and saying, okay, what are the things that allow me to show up, go back to your growth wheel, go back to that chart, looking at all of these areas of my life and figure out what are the things that I need to be. Consistently that are important to me, for me, this is, um, having a morning routine waking up before my kids, having that time to do the things that really speak life to my soul.
[00:35:48] This is having times to work out during the week. This is the time to invest in healthy relationships and figuring out what those core things are for you. And you’ve got to put that on your calendar. So often we put ourselves last, right? We put in, okay. Here’s all the things, all of the external commitments that we have.
[00:36:14] And then we take whatever’s left over and say, well, that’ll be the time that I spend on myself. For me, rest is a core commitment. I write it on my calendar every single week, because I know that I have to have downtime in my week in order for me to show up the way I want to show up in order for me to treat my family the way I want to treat them in order for me to love my spouse, the way he needs to be.
[00:36:46] I have to take the time for myself to rest, to have that morning routine, to move my body, to fuel my body with healthy foods. And those things have to be scheduled into the calendar. Otherwise they will get booted out those things. Go on your schedule first. So that brings us to the third piece of this, having a weekly schedule.
[00:37:11] You’ve gotta have the whole look at your week and you’ve got to put those core commitments on that schedule, and then you need to time block it out and say, when am I going to make time for the things that matter most to me? And then we put on those external commitments so that we’re putting. If you’ve ever heard of the analogy of the jar and you have your big rocks, you have your small pebbles, and then you have your sand.
[00:37:43] If you put your sand in first, those big rocks are not going to fit. You’ve gotta put the big rocks in first. The same is true of your schedule. Put in those core commitments. And then you begin to add in all of these elements to be able to not do all the things, but to prioritize what matters most and to put those things on your weekly schedule.
[00:38:12] The fourth part of that is setting your intentions for the day. So I have a daily plan worksheet that I do every single morning that says, okay, what are my priorities for the day? What needs to get done? What am I thankful for? And that helps set my intention for the day, because if we don’t have a plan going into the day, life will just happen and we will just be along for the ride.
[00:38:37] We have to be able to set intention. For our day. And then the fifth piece of this is assessing our progress every week. I go back and say, okay, what happened this week? What did I do? Well, where did I struggle? And what can I learn from what happened? If we don’t take time to assess what then we, we don’t actually make progress towards what really matters because we are just living life.
[00:39:08] True change our ability to grow and to progress, to move towards becoming who we’re meant to be to living with purpose comes. When we can take time to say what worked, what didn’t work, what do I need to adjust moving forward? And these are the basics of really being able to optimize our schedule and to be able to put the thing on our.
[00:39:37] And schedule it into our weekly calendar because if we don’t schedule it in, it will not happen. And, and so what I hope that you take away from this time together is that, that you began to see that this is really about scheduling it into our life to figure out what is important to us in this season, to be able to put it into our life.
[00:40:02] And then. Systemize our life and build those habits and routines and systems that support us showing up as who we want to be. So there’s a lot of the nitty gritty of how this becomes possible, but I just wanted to give you this overview of what aligning our life actually looks like so that you can begin to.
[00:40:29] Number one, this is possible for me that I don’t have to have all of these pieces figured out before I begin. But to begin to see it’s about getting clarity. Right. It’s about number one, taking ownership of our life, developing that sense of agency, getting clarity on what matters most. And then we began to put it into our schedule.
[00:40:57] We began to craft a life around this sense of purpose and meaning fulfillment. And when we do those. Then we are able to pursue the things on our heart without burning ourselves out in the process. This is where we find balance without burnout. This is where we are able to live with less stress and overwhelm because we have a sense of purpose in our lives.
[00:41:30] And yes, life is still going to be crazy. You’re still going to have a crazy military spouse life, but a life with purpose. Will actually decrease the stress that you feel will actually decrease the anxiety that you’re feeling that is caused by this sense of purposelessness in your life. It is possible to step into your story and to find balance without burnout.
[00:41:59] Now I hope that this has been meaningful to you. So the question that we need to ask right now is where do we go from here? How do we begin to step into our story and what is our next step? Because each of us has a different next step. Now one next step. Could be for you to say, Hey, I’m diving all into milspouse, purpose, playbook.
[00:42:28] I know that I need that clarity. And I want that step by step process to begin to figure out what my purpose is, how I craft a life of meaning and purpose and how I put that into my daily, weekly, monthly rhythm. , but for some of us, that’s not where we’re at. And some of us need to just understand that we need that clarity component.
[00:42:54] Now you can go download the values worksheet. You can go download the growth wheel and start assessing all of these areas of your life. You can also go. Um, into the archives of our Facebook community. That’s why every summer I’ve done a 30 day clarity challenge to just show you how it’s possible to start getting clarity by taking daily actions.
[00:43:18] If you just answer one question about your self every day for 30 days, you’re gonna have so much more knowledge and awareness of who you are and who you wanna. Simply by asking and answering those questions. So that is completely free to you as well. Just go re look for the hashtag clarity challenge and you’ll find several of those questions that you can begin to ask yourself on a daily basis.
[00:43:48] That’s something that you only need five minutes a day to start to find this sense of meaning and purpose in your. Now for some of you, you realize, Hey, I know that this is all good information, but I still feel stuck. I still don’t know how to begin to do this. Well, I feel like I need some extra support and that brings us to the seventh piece of the puzzle that we have.
[00:44:21] Yet talked about today, and that is the, a of accountability because all of the research on behavior change thought change, life change. All comes down to having accountability, because if we have accountability, then we are much more likely to take action than if we are just doing something on our own.
[00:44:47] It’s really this accountability that helps us continue to show up when we feel overwhelmed in life. And so I want to today offer that piece of account. To you now, you know that I have one-on-one coaching available on the website, if you want some extra ongoing support, but. If you are just trying to get started, if you are feeling stuck, if you know what you need is not to just do something on your own, but you need some accountability.
[00:45:21] Then I want to offer that to you by offering you a free one-on-one unstuck session. And this is a limited time offer. I wanted to do this in conjunction. As we are celebrating a hundred episodes of the mill spouse mastermind show, you can get. For free by sending me an email to hello, mill spouse,
[00:45:47] I will forward you the link so that you can go fill out the application and I will give you that session for free. If you do it, this. So, if you have any of this on your heart, if you know you were feeling stressed, you were feeling anxious. You are not having a sense of purpose in your life. If you feel overwhelmed by everything going on in life, but you know, you want something more, you were made for more.
[00:46:18] You are more than a mill spouse. You. Something to offer the world. You have a contribution to make, and there is a way to do it in a way that gives you this sense of balance. Without burnout, you can find meaning and purpose as a military spouse today. And I wanna help you get there. So just send me an email.
[00:46:43] Hello at milspouse, Um, and I would love to offer you that free unstuck session. If you book it this week, I hope that you got a lot out of this. I would love to hear your feedback, leave it in the comments below, or send me a message. Let me know what you. Go going forward. What you want us to be talking about?
[00:47:10] How I can best support you. I will see you back in the show. Um, and in the comments in this group, I hope you have an amazing week and until next time that you live filled. Fueled and full of joy.
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