You were placed here in this exact slice of time, in your exact relationships, circumstances, and location for a PURPOSE. But what the heck is that purpose? And how do you get CLARITY on your purpose when life feels overwhelming and you have little-to-no free time?
Clarity comes from both mindful THOUGHT & taking ACTION. And while we’ve talked a lot about how to THINK about purpose, we haven’t spent as much time on how to take ACTION in the midst of a very BUSY life.
Today we’re diving into 4 WAYS that you can begin to pursue clarity on your purpose today – as a stay at home mom, a homeschooling parent, a full-time student, in a traditional 8-5 job, or as a work from home military spouse.
Let’s do it!
STOP THE OVERWHELM: How to Prioritize What Matters Most to You (FREE WORKSHEET)
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MILSPOUSE PURPOSE PLAYBOOK: Discover Who You Are Meant to Be
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[00:00:00] Welcome back to the show! Today, we are diving into this topic of four ways to pursue clarity of purpose today. Whether you are a stay-at-home mom or whether you homeschool your kids, whether you are a full-time student, you’re an employee, you work from home, whatever season of life you find yourself in.
You can began to pursue clarity today. And I would say it’s so important that we do this because if we really want to live a life, if we want to craft a life with purpose, then it starts today right here, right where we’re at. It’s not about having the perfect season of life or living in this perfect place, or even having the space in our schedule to actually think about what we want.
[00:00:53] It’s about what we do. What we have today and then baby steps. And the more that we take the time today to get that clarity, the more that we will be able to do, the more that we will be able to grow the more lives that we will be able to impact in a future season, because of what we did today with what we had, right now.
[00:01:16] The problem is so many of us lack that clarity, and we’re not really sure what we’re supposed to be doing or where we’re headed. And we just wind up in this place where we’re along the ride in someone else’s story. And instead of leaning in to discovering who we are meant to be. We settle for just existing through the life that we have of feeling like we’re not in control and that it’s just our job to support others in their journey.
[00:01:50] Now there’s nothing wrong with supporting someone else’s journey, their story, their efforts at discovering who they’re meant to be. In fact, I want us to support each other, to celebrate with one another and to cheer each other. But that’s not an excuse to not step into your story, into discovering who you are meant to be.
[00:02:14] So wherever you find yourself today, whether you have hours and hours of free time, or you can’t remember the last time you slept through the night because you are needed every hour of every single day, there is a step for you to take on your journey. So, what do you say let’s dive in and get started talking about four ways to pursue clarity of purpose today.
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Now, as I mentioned in the intro, we should be encouraging and supporting one another on our journeys to life, a purpose. And if you don’t feel like you have anybody around you, that is also on that journey that is cheering you on, that is supporting.
[00:03:50] Please come join us in our free Facebook group. The male spouse mastermind community is here to help you thrive to support you and cheer you on, on your journey to share with each other, our struggles, our wins. Our last is all of it. The journey to life is better when we are on a journey together. So if you are not.
[00:04:13] In that group, please head whatever you can find the group on Facebook, or you can just go to, and that will take you there as well. Okay. So let’s talk about how we start pursuing clarity of purpose today. And the goal is to give you four practical ways that you can lean into greater clarity on who you are, what’s important to you, what you want, how you want to show up what your purpose looks like in your current season of life. And the one thing that I want us to remember as we start this discussion is that purpose is not a destination. It’s not something that you’re going to have an epiphany on.
[00:05:02] It’s not going to be the answer because purpose is not a destination. Like I said, it’s, it’s not even really a plan. It’s more of a path. It’s a journey it’s continually evolving. It’s the direction that we’re headed. So I think by this point in the show, I have hopefully hammered in the idea that we need to get clear on what we want, who we want to be, what our dreams and passions are, what impact we want to have in the world, and what causes really speak to our heart.
How Do We Pursue Clarity?
[00:05:40] But I felt like what we haven’t really talked about or spend as much time on is the how, how do we start to get the clarity on these things today? And so we’re going to talk about four ways that we can start pursuing that clarity. And this is true regardless of what season of life. You are in. So I want you to sit in this place with this one truth today, and that is what you do today matters.
[00:06:12] When we think about clarity, it’s the child of mindful thought and experimentation. So it’s not just one or the other. And I talk a lot on the show about the thought component. But I don’t talk as much where I have not to this point, talked as much about taking action, because when we try things, we will learn something about ourselves.
[00:06:42] If we take that time to be intentional, to reflect and assess what we can learn through what just happened. So there is this component of action. If we just think about these things, but we never take action. We’re never going to grow what we’re never going to get that clarity. But if we try a bunch of things and we never take that time, then we’re probably not going to learn from our mistakes and learn from the opportunities to move in the right direction.
[00:07:18] And so we will have the greatest amount of clarity. If we pair the mindful thought and the experimentation to. I think one of the reasons I talk about mindful thoughts so much is because I know that our time is limited and we want to try things. We need to take actions, but those actions are often very tiny tweaks because we only have a limited amount of time in our schedule.
[00:07:47] I don’t really have the capacity to go try a bunch of things. And I know in my own life, I learned a lot just from doing more research, getting that mindful thought component, getting really clear on these things that, okay, now I know what are the things that light me up. I know what my passions are. I know what my interests are.
[00:08:11] I know who I feel called to serve. I know what problems I want to solve. Now. There’s a bunch of different ways that I could do that. And I could go try each of those things and spend a lot of time and effort. And I would learn a lot through that activity, but I don’t necessarily have all the time in the world to go try those things.
1. Find Quiet Space for Reflection
[00:08:33] So there’s a lot that we can learn just from paying attention. From reading books, from listening to stories of others who have tried similar things, What can we learn from listening to others? So the four things that I want to touch on today are number one. We need space to think we need these quiet places for reflection.
[00:09:04] And I think that’s the one thing that is missing in so many of our lives, because our lives are. Full of noise. We don’t have that reflection, that thinking space that people had, even in previous generations, because even if we are sitting at a stop, like we are listening to something on the radio or perhaps a podcast, or we’re listening to an audio book, or we have music on.
[00:09:30] Um, or we’re standing in line, we pull out our phones and we start scrolling through to see what is going on in other people’s lives, but we’re not intentionally creating quiet spaces to think and reflect. And so we have to be super, super intentional about this because we’re not going to really get in touch with ourselves, with our intuition.
[00:09:53] With being able to hear from God about what we’re meant to do about what really lights us up and what doesn’t, and, and understanding how we act, how we are just the way that we’re wired. It takes that intentional time to get to know ourselves and to know what we think about different activities. So we have to create space to think and to reflect.
1. Give Yourself Permission to Play
The second thing that we have to do to pursue clarity of purpose is to give ourself permission to play. And this was a really hard truth for me because I am one of these people that is a perfectionist, and I like to get things done. And I am one of those people who will just kind of power through and when everything on the to-do list is done, then I have time to rest to play. And so it has been a complete paradigm shift for me to say, it’s okay for me to play. It’s okay to do something that doesn’t have a specific end goal. Because there is a different aspect of our brain that gets used when we turn off the left side of our brain, that is telling us what needs to get done.
[00:11:21] And we turn on that right side, the creative side of our brain that is not trying to achieve something that is. Giving it room for creativity, for growth, for play, for fun. There’s something very valuable that goes on in our brains when we allow that space for rest and for play. And sometimes it’s really hard to understand that we need that, that that’s actually leading us to a life of purpose to where we want to go.
[00:11:55] So perhaps you are. The person that just loves fun and loves playing And you have no problem with this, but if you are like me type A, like, let’s get this all done and then we can have fun. It was really this choice to give myself. Permission to rest and play into understand that big picture. This is helping us pursue purpose.
[00:12:20] It’s also helping us discover what it is that truly lights us up. What brings us joy? What gives us the fuel that we need to build a sustainable life? So number one, the space to think number two, the permission to play.
1. Stay Curious
The third part is to continually stay curious. Every thing that happens in our lives is giving us information. And it’s really what we do with that information. And so we can get into these regular rhythms and regular habits of a life, and we fail to really stay curious. It’s this act of intentionality to stay curious about ourselves, about our lives, about our schedule, about the world around us, and the more that we stay present, to stay curious, to, just practice this act of gratitude. The more that we start to really learn about ourselves and about others and about human interactions and about our purpose. And it’s really this choice to stay curious about life. I was listening to a podcast one day and I’m not even sure how they got on the subject, but they were talking about one of the most important skills a person could develop.
[00:13:45] And the one of the most important, the, the top skill they said you could cultivate was this skill of curiosity, because if you stay curious, you will never stop learning. You will never stop growing and you will never stop becoming who you’re meant to be discovering what that next step looks like for you and becoming the masterpiece you were meant to be, to live into your greatest potential.
[00:14:14] So, friend, one of the most important things on our journey to pursuing purpose is just to practice, curiosity, to stay curious about life.
1. Make Today Matter
And then the fourth thing that will help lead us to a life of purpose, regardless of where we find ourselves today is to make the most, every day of what we have. Right now.
[00:14:39] I’ve said it before, and I will say it again until I am probably blue in the face, but it doesn’t matter what life gives us. It matters what we do with what we have today. It matters how I am showing up today in my season of being total sleep deprived with newborns and lots of littles at home, without that feeling of even being able to breathe, if I will take the opportunity to start my day with gratitude. If I will take the time to ask questions, to stay curious, to keep thinking about what it is that lights me up, what it is that brings me joy, who I want to serve. If I will take the time to take that time when I’m making dinner or folding. I just listened to a podcast, find out about somebody that has done something that I am interested in.
[00:15:37] And then just ask the question. Is this something that sounds like I would like to do someday? Or is this something that is not really the lifestyle I want to lead? Is this somebody that I want to role model my life after? Is this somebody whose life doesn’t align with what I really value, what I care about every day?
How Will You Pursue Clarity of Purpose as a MilSpouse?
[00:16:00] We have the choice to learn about ourselves and others, to take steps in the direction towards learning more about our purpose and who we were created to be, in the impact that we were made to have in this. So my hope friend is that wherever you find yourself today, whatever season of life you find yourself in, that you will know that pursuing purpose is something that you could do today.
[00:16:29] We just need to create space, to think, give ourselves permission to play. We need to stay curious and make the most every day with what we have, right. Now, if you’re in this place where you are ready to engage in that mindful thought component, and you want a tool that is going to help you get greater clarity on who you are, how to begin reclaiming your life and dreams and how to discover and create your own personal purpose statement and start crafting a life and a legacy around your purpose in this season and for the next season, then I want to invite you to jump into the MilSpouse Purpose Playbook, where we will teach you what it looks like to craft a life with purpose and how you can begin with where you’re at right now. If you are ready to jump inside, I would love to meet you there and help you on your journey. You can go to to get started today.
[00:17:34] Wherever you find yourself today, I want you to know that a life of purpose is possible and it begins today. I am here to cheer you on. I am here to support you and the milspouse mastermind community is here to cheer you on as well. I hope you have an amazing week and that you live feeling filled, fueled and full of joy.
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