Most of us know what it’s like to want to change something about our lives, and yet we fail to do it. Or we start…but then fall off the wagon.
We go to the gym…for a few weeks. We eat better…until we go on vacation. We vow to drink more water. We vow to stop wasting so much time on social media. And then we think…I’ll do it tomorrow, next week, next month. We rely on willpower and motivation to make change happen. Which works for a little while…until it doesn’t.
So are we doomed to repeat the same things we’ve always done? Is it too late for us to become a healthier or better version of ourselves? Absolutely not.
Today we’re talking about hacking habit change as a military spouse. Why does it feel so hard? And how can we make it easier? Let’s talk about it!
Better Together,
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