Welcome to More Than A Milspouse, (formerly The Milspouse Mastermind Show), the podcast for military spouses who want to live with MORE meaning and LESS overwhelm.
I am launching a brand-new series for summer, entitled MilSpouse Transformation series. Because it can be hard to think about personal and professional growth, when we’re just trying to make it through a PCS, a deployment, or even through an average day.
But a journey of self-discovery, transformation, and ultimately creating a life you love is possible as a military spouse. And this summer, we’re going to talk about how tiny tweaks and small shifts can lead to some major results.
This is not about having more time or bandwidth in your schedule, it’s about working with what you have, where you are, to create a life you’re excited about.
This episode we’re kicking off the series and talking about my favorite tool for self-discovery, setting goals, and life transformation as a military spouse. Can’t wait to unpack this with you!
Better Together,
Unlocking Identity Series:
Ep 200. Part 1: You Are More Than A Milspouse
Ep 201. Part 2: Where Do I Begin?
Ep 202. Part 3: What Matters Most to Me?
Ep 203. Part 4: The #1 Question to Ask Yourself
Ep 204. Part 5: Frustrated to Fulfilled
Discover Who You Are Meant to Be
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