Welcome to More Than A Milspouse, (formerly The Milspouse Mastermind Show), the podcast for military spouses who want to live with MORE meaning and LESS overwhelm.
It’s the time of year, often known in military circles as PCS season. Yes, military families PCS throughout the year. But summer is a popular time for a permanent change of station (PCS), especially if you have school-aged kids.
I’ve lived in seven houses in the last 10 years, and am currently navigating my third OCONUS PCS (overseas move) in four years. One might think that I should be an expert on moving by now, but I’m not. And in this episode, I’m pulling back the curtain to talk about why this PCS has challenged me in brand new ways (and yes, I’ve already cried). Want to hear all the juicy details? Then grab a cup of coffee and come join me for story time.
Better Together,
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2024 PCS Series:
Ep 193. Checklists, Binders & Labels, Oh My!
Ep 195. “I Can’t Deal with the Change of Moving”
Ep 196. How to Feel Happier, Regardless of Where You Live