232. Doing This Will Skyrocket Your Growth…

Looking for a new book to read this year? Here are my top 10 recommendations.

Every year I love to do a recap of my favorite books that I’ve read throughout the year. This year the recap almost didn’t happen between my daughter’s accident and me losing my voice. But I was determined to make it happen for two important reasons…which I’ll share inside today’s episode. Wishing you the best […]

227. Hacking Habit Change as a Milspouse

What matters most as a military spouse? Your habits. Here's how to hack habit change.

Most of us know what it’s like to want to change something about our lives, and yet we fail to do it. Or we start…but then fall off the wagon. We go to the gym…for a few weeks. We eat better…until we go on vacation. We vow to drink more water. We vow to stop […]

207. My Favorite Tool For Self-Discovery & Setting Goals

My Favorite Tool For Self-Discovery & Setting Goals as a Military Spouse // Milspouse Transformation Series

Welcome to More Than A Milspouse, (formerly The Milspouse Mastermind Show), the podcast for military spouses who want to live with MORE meaning and LESS overwhelm.   I am launching a brand-new series for summer, entitled MilSpouse Transformation series. Because it can be hard to think about personal and professional growth, when we’re just trying […]

206. The PCS Rollercoaster Has Begun

The Permanent Change of Station (PCS) Rollercoaster Has Begun (And Yes, I've Already Cried)

Welcome to More Than A Milspouse, (formerly The Milspouse Mastermind Show), the podcast for military spouses who want to live with MORE meaning and LESS overwhelm. It’s the time of year, often known in military circles as PCS season. Yes, military families PCS throughout the year. But summer is a popular time for a permanent […]

What If I Set Goals But Never Achieve Them?

you might not achieve your goals. And you might feel discouraged or defeated. So does that mean you shouldn’t set goals?

As a military spouse, it can be tempting to play small…to set small goals…or to not set goals at all. Perhaps you are PCSing this year, or you know your spouse will be gone a lot, or your kids are at an age where it feels impossible to pursue any of your own passions. Of […]

How to Set a Reading Goal in 2024

Looking for a book to read this year? Here are my recommendations.

The most common goals and resolutions for a new year often revolve around health and fitness. But another way to help you grow in 2024 is by setting a reading goal. For some this is a goal to read a book. For others, the goal involves choosing one book to read each month. And for […]

How Do I Choose My Word of the Year?

Not ready to commit to a new year's resolution? Try choosing a word of the year.

Last week on the podcast we talked about the number one thing you need to do before you make a new year’s resolution or set any goals for your year. Today we’re talking about a simple framework that will help you be more intentional in 2024, whether or not you make a resolution for your […]

Before You Make a New Year’s Resolution, Do This FIRST

Before you make any resolutions for the new year, read this first!

Hey Amazing Milspouse, Happy New Year!! Do you have any resolutions for the year? Before you say yes, give this episode a listen! In it we unpack ONE THING you should do before you make any resolutions or goals for your year. And yes, even if you’re not planning on making any new year’s resolution, […]

3 Reasons The Quest For Happiness Can Make You Miserable

"I'm Trying To Be Happy But It's Not Working." 3 Reasons The Quest for Happiness Can Actually Make You Miserable (& What To Do Instead)

LISTEN ON YOUR FAV PLATFORM:   APPLE  |  SPOTIFY  |  GOOGLE Trying to be happy, but it’s just not working? Have you ever felt like you were trying so hard to be happy…and yet it just was not working?? Today we’re looking at why that is. Over the last few weeks, we’ve been talking about […]

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