Did I Do Enough?
That’s the question that I woke up asking myself. Did I do enough to get myself mentally healthy? Did I connect with hubs enough? Did I do enough self-care to be a better, more present mom? Perhaps it was indicative of just how stress-filled my life has become. Hubs and I recently snuck away to celebrate our […]
Hope on the Hard Days
When I have a victim mindset, I am frustrated by this fact. I am jealous of those who have help as an option. I blame my circumstances. I blame the military. I blame the fact that I am pregnant. I blame everyone but myself.
But if I am going to choose to live a victorious, flourishing life, the only thing that matters is HOW I respond to the circumstances life presents to me.
4 Keys to Finding Balance
Last night my two-year-old was up and out of her bed multiple times. I had an argument at 3a.m. with my four-year-old. And then my five-month-old decided she might as well have an early morning snack. Let’s just say we all woke up tired. In truth, my rhythms have all been off for the last […]