232. Doing This Will Skyrocket Your Growth…

Looking for a new book to read this year? Here are my top 10 recommendations.

Every year I love to do a recap of my favorite books that I’ve read throughout the year. This year the recap almost didn’t happen between my daughter’s accident and me losing my voice. But I was determined to make it happen for two important reasons…which I’ll share inside today’s episode. Wishing you the best […]

230. Making the Most of Your Military Spouse Life

There will always be obstacles to pursuing your goals as a military spouse. But you don't have to let that hold you back!

We’re almost at the end of 2024. It’s a great time for reflection and for looking ahead to the new year. But how you enter the new year matters.   We can enter a new year thinking about all the things that will prevent us from going after our goals and dreams, or we can […]

229. Loneliness is a Problem for Military Spouses. What’s the Solution?

Loneliness is a problem for military spouses. What's the solution?

Deployments. Frequent moves. Working from home. Lack of childcare. Trying to get established in a new city. There are numerous reasons military spouses struggle with loneliness. Join me for a conversation with licensed clinical social worker and military spouse Crystal Bettenhausen-Bubulka about loneliness, connection, and why it’s time to rethink our connections as military spouses. […]

228. What You Need to Know About Gratitude and the Brain

Is gratitude really important? Or is it overrated? Let's unpack how gratitude impacts your brain as a military spouse

Gratitude. We’re told it’s a good thing to do. We even have a holiday in the United States built around it. But, if we’re being honest, sometimes gratitude feels a little bit cliché. Sometimes life is tough. The medical diagnosis. The marriage difficulties. The financial strain and insecurity. The explosive family dynamics. Politics. All of […]

227. Hacking Habit Change as a Milspouse

What matters most as a military spouse? Your habits. Here's how to hack habit change.

Most of us know what it’s like to want to change something about our lives, and yet we fail to do it. Or we start…but then fall off the wagon. We go to the gym…for a few weeks. We eat better…until we go on vacation. We vow to drink more water. We vow to stop […]

226. How to Change Your Self-Image as a Military Spouse

It’s much easier to feel confident when you have a record of success. When you KNOW that you can get results, and others surround you with affirmation, you walk more confidently, you talk confidently, and it’s easy to believe in yourself.   But what about when you don’t have a proven record of success? What […]

225. Balancing Entrepreneurship, Parenthood, and Life as a Military Spouse

What does it look like to balance entrepreneurship, parenthood, and life as a military spouse?

You know it’s possible to pursue your dreams as a military spouse. But what does that look like practically? What does that look like as a mom of littles? Or as a CEO? That’s what this week’s guest is here to chat with us about.   Meet Emilie Schario, a military spouse, mom of two, […]

224. What No One Wants to Talk About as a Military Spouse

There's one topic no want wants to talk about as a military spouse, and yet we all think about it. Let's talk about it.

No one wants to think about war and global conflict and what that means for military spouses and their families. And yet, it’s a part of “what we signed up for.”   This week, I’m sharing about an amazing opportunity I had before we left Hawaii, and what I learned that will help us all […]

223. What Does it Mean to Be A Military Spouse?

Ever feel like you're not qualified to be a military spouse? Let's unpack why that is.

What does it mean to be a military spouse?   Often what we expected…and what life actually looks like are not the same. But regardless of whether “you knew what you signed up for” this episode is meant to encourage you on what can sometimes be a discouraging journey. Plus, you’ll get to hear a […]

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