You Are
Too often your own dreams, passions, and business ideas take a back seat to the demands of military life.
You feel…
Waking up each morning with a clear sense of purpose and confidently making a contribution that matters, while still prioritizing your health, well-being and your family
Finding purpose and fulfillment in your current season of life (as a stay at home spouse/parent, employee, WAHM, business owner or student)
Understanding exactly what is holding you back, and what steps you need to take to reclaim your life and dreams (without ever changing your circumstances)
Enjoying better sleep, health and relationships because you’re clear on what your purpose is and the value you bring (yep, this is backed by research!)
Living filled, fueled and full of joy!
Uncover your uniqueness, discover your passions and purpose, and find your sweet spot of service
Clarify what you really want (not just what you think you want) and craft a compelling vision for your life
Develop a personal purpose statement, and craft your 90-day action plan to make it a reality!
Overcome obstacles, fear, self-doubt and limiting beliefs so you can finally step into a life with purpose
Set and pursue the right goals and dreams for you, so that you can pursue purpose in your current season of life, while still prioritizing what matters most
Create boundaries and a schedule that help you practice sustainable self-care and show up as your best self in every area of your life
Use what lights you up to make a meaningful contribution (and maybe launch that business) …and in the process discover who you are meant to be
Access MilSpouse Purpose Playbook, watch the trainings and complete the clarity exercises
Uncover your unique purpose, prioritize what matters most, and craft a life that lights you up and impacts the world for good
Discover who you are meant to be. Trade frustration for fulfillment, and isolation for a new identity and a life of impact
This course will walk you step-by-step through the process of how to
You’ll get clear on what your purpose is, learn how to take ownership of your life and start crafting a life that lights you up, makes an impact and works for your family!
The course is divided into three main sections: EXPLORE – what makes you unique, DREAM – what you want your life to be about, DISCOVER – who you are meant to be.
Inside, you will find 12 easy-to-follow modules (and 20+ videos) to guide you on your quest to a life with purpose. Get clear on what lights you up, what matters most to you and how to build a life (and business) around your unique purpose.
You’ll also receive the Purpose Playbook Workbook filled with clarity exercises to help you get the answers you need, assessments and a daily productivity planning sheet to help you live your purpose every day.
Module 1: Mindset
What do you currently believe about yourself?
What do you do with beliefs that aren’t serving you?
Beliefs you need to adopt for the journey.
Module 2: Essence
Who are you? What’s your superpower?
Get clear on what lights you up
and makes you unique.
Module 3: Intention
Who do you want to be? Learn the secret to a life of meaning and purpose. Uncover your values and unpack what matters most to you.
Module 4: Impact
Module 5: Vision
Module 6: Purpose
What’s your sweet spot? Learn how to pursue clarity of purpose and make a contribution that aligns with your sweet spot.
Module 7: Mission
Module 8: Direction
Module 9: Action
Module 10: Resistance
Module 11: Alignment
Module 12: Identity
BONUS: Clarity Workbook
The magic happens here! In-depth questions and exercises to get clarity on what YOU really want so you can show up as the best version of yourself!
BONUS: Goal Setting Masterclass
With Milspouse Purpose Playbook, you will finally be able to do the things that matter most to you…things that fuel you, fill you, and lead you to a life of impact.
Military spouse. Mom of three. Marketing strategist. Former coffeehouse owner. And on a mission to transform the way military spouses look at life.
I know how easy it is to lose yourself in the cycle of frequent moves, babies, job searches and deployments. To feel stuck in a life with so many decisions outside of your control and to feel unfulfilled. To want to make your own contribution, but to not know how to balance your own dreams with what matters most – your well-being and the needs of your family
I created the MilSpouse Purpose Playbook because I know what it’s like to put your dreams on hold, but then lose your way. To question if you’re doing enough with your life and to struggle with stress, anxiety, and self-doubt. To feel like you’re throwing spaghetti at a wall trying to figure out what needs to change.
It is possible. And I want to teach you how to get there (in a matter of weeks…not years).
I’ve created a roadmap to help you take back control of your life, find your unique purpose, reclaim your dreams, and begin to create a life (and business) that lights you up and impacts the world for good.
– Viktor Frankl
Most advice out there revolves around how to “find your strengths” and “monetize your skills.”
This isn’t a course to help you make money (although you can definitely take what you learn here and find a job or create a business that aligns with your sweet spot).
This is a course to help you get clear on the foundation of who you are, what you value, how you can use your uniqueness to serve others, and how to create a meaningful life…today. It’s about how to practically pursue purpose today…instead of waiting for some future season to finally build a life you love.
Milspouse Purpose Playbook will give you the exact steps you need to uncover your uniqueness, figure out what you actually want (not what you think you should want), set the RIGHT goals, and confidently pursue them with a sustainable approach. In the process, you will find purpose, fulfillment and discover who you are meant to be.
“But how do I set and pursue my goals and dreams when life is so unpredictable?”
I’m glad you asked!
The Milspouse Goal Setting Masterclass walks you through how to practically set goals and track your progress, using my signature Flexible Goal Setting Method.
You’ll learn how to make tangible progress towards those big dreams and life vision, in a way that works for your life as a military spouse.
Here’s what I know about you: You are More Than A MilSpouse. You have a unique set of gifts and skills that the world needs. You were made with and for a purpose.
The problem is you currently lack clarity on what your purpose is and you’re not sure how to live a life of purpose in your current season of life.
But the more that you settle for a role in someone else’s story…the more you will feel stuck, frustrated, unfulfilled, and out of alignment. You’ll struggle to show up as your best self.
I know what it feels like to want to do something that matters…but not know what that contribution should be or how to balance your own needs with the demands of military life.
I believe that a life of meaning and purpose is the key to living fueled, filled and full of joy.
That’s why I created MilSpouse Purpose Playbook, your step-by-step guide to find purpose, reclaim your life and dreams, and discover who you are meant to be.
It’s time to STOP feeling frustrated by circumstances you didn’t choose and START living as the person you want to be!
If you are ready to trade frustration for fulfillment, and isolation for a new identity and a life of greater peace, purpose and impact, then I’ll see you inside MilSpouse Purpose Playbook.
How do I know if Milspouse Purpose Playbook is for me?
Milspouse Purpose Playbook is for you if you are ready to make a change. Simply watching the course material won’t get you results, but if you take action on what you learn, you WILL transform your life! If you are ready to stop letting life pass you by, you want clarity on WHAT you should be doing, HOW to prioritize what matters most and HOW to sustainably chase your dreams (without waiting for your circumstances to change)…this is the course for you!
What if I’m afraid to invest?
Choosing to financially invest in yourself is a big decision. But I’ve yet to meet anyone who regretted investing in themselves. By saying yes to investing in yourself, you are saying yes to investing in the person you will become, to investing in your family, and in the lives that you will positively impact over the course of your life. I can’t think of a better or more rewarding investment!
I don’t know what my next step is and it’s holding me back? Will this course give me clarity?
It’s okay to not know what needs to change in your life. This course will give you the clarity you need to get unstuck and start crafting a sustainable life of purpose today…so that you can finally make the most of the time you have!
I’m really busy and don’t have much time. Will I be able to fit this into my schedule?
Absolutely! You can work through the videos and answer the questions at your own pace. You can walk through the material in as little as four weeks or as much as 90 days. What matters most is that you intentionally carve out time to DO THE WORK. (Don’t worry, we’ll show you how to do just that).
Do you have a refund policy?
Milspouse Purpose Playbook is backed by a 30-day money back guarantee. If you can show us that you completed all the clarity exercises within that time, we’re happy to refund your money. Our desire is to see you thrive!
Have another question?
Send your questions to We’re happy to chat about the course or any other support you need!
You, my friend, have something unique and valuable to offer the world.
becoming the world-changing milspouse you are meant to be!
Empowering military spouses to pursue purpose, joy, and impact TODAY
It’s time to discover who you are meant to be because together we can change the world!
Get early access to podcasts, exclusive freebies & practical tips to help you thrive as a military spouse, discover what lights you up, and live a life of purpose.