7 Secrets to Manage your STRESS as a Military Spouse

LISTEN ON YOUR FAV PLATFORM: APPLE | SPOTIFY | GOOGLE 7 Secrets to Managing Your Stress how to reduce your stress as a busy military spouse Stress is inevitable. It’s part of being human. But that doesn’t mean we have to let stress run rampant and ruin our lives. Managing stress is important because […]
How Do I Find Time For Myself As a Busy Military Spouse With Young Kids?

LISTEN ON YOUR FAV PLATFORM: APPLE | SPOTIFY | GOOGLE How Do I Find Time For Myself? WHY MORE TIME DOESN’T EQUAL BETTER SELF CARE(AND WHAT WILL REALLY GIVE YOU THE RESULTS YOU WANT) I often hear the question, “How do I find time for myself?” This is particularly relevant for moms with young […]
How Do I Fit It All In?? 3 Must-Do Productivity Hacks For The Driven Military Spouse

PRoductivity hacks for the driven military spouse Hi friend, I think a big question for many of us as military spouses is, “How do I fit it all in?” We feel overwhelmed between the unpredictability of our kids’ schools, and health diagnoses, and deployments, TDYs, deaths, kids activities, and volunteer (voluntold) opportunities, not to mention […]
The 5-Minute Habit That TRANSFORMED My Life as a Frustrated Military Wife

The 5-Minute Habit To Transform Your Life as a Military Spouse Hi Friend, Four years ago I felt stuck in a life I didn’t choose. I felt pulled in all directions. I didn’t love how I was showing up for my husband or my kids. I just desperately wanted to feel in control of my […]
MilSpo Prioritization Playbook, Part 1: Create more TIME and Do Less BETTER

How to prioritize your time and schedule as a military spouse Do you wish there were more hours in a day? Do you find yourself dreaming of what you could accomplish if you just had one extra hour? Or maybe an extra hour of sleep? Me too. 😉 Do you sometimes wonder if there’s […]
The One Thing Keeping You Stuck In Life & Business

The Power Of Rest And How To Implement It In Your Life (Even With Young Kids) Today we’re digging into something that we all NEED, but most of us fail to prioritize. We make this one thing a nice-to-have and the first-to-go. We make it the reward for having worked hard and accomplishing our goals, […]
Have You Already Given Up On Your Goals? 3 Secrets to Create Lasting Change

On January 1, most of us were more than ready to say good riddance to 2020! We had great intentions for a new year full of new possibilities. You may have made some really great resolutions or set an intention for a word of the year. But it’s now time for a check […]
Hindsight is 2020: MY TOP TEN TAKEAWAYS of 2020, PART 2

Less than a week before our first OCONUS PCS (overseas move) last summer I found myself headed to the hospital. A week before a total of three sets of moving companies would be showing up at my house…a week before we closed on the sale of our home and officially became (temporarily) homeless. In other […]