Encouragement From A Seasoned Military Spouse with Lizann Lightfoot
Frustrated with military life? Encouragement for military spouses from the seasoned spouse Sometimes our most difficult seasons of life are what inspire us to make an impact. Lizann’s story started with her life as a brand new military girlfriend and wife and no military community to help her through the challenges of military life. […]
Are You Missing One of These 3 Nonnegotiable Needs? Why No One Is Getting The Best Version of You as A Military Spouse and How to Change That
Ready to show up as your best self? Wondering why life feels out of balance? Trying to figure out what need to change? Tired of not showing up as your best self? Here’s what’s really wrong! Do you sometimes feel like your life is one never-ending hamster wheel? I mean, we all have good days. […]
Murphy’s Law of Deployment: How to Keep Going when Military Life Throws You Curveballs
LISTEN ON YOUR FAV PLATFORM: APPLE | SPOTIFY | GOOGLE MURPHY’S LAW OF DEPLOYMENT Subtitle Have you ever thought to yourself, “When my active duty spouse is gone, I’ll get all these things accomplished?” And then Murphy’s Law of Deployment happens. The car breaks down. The kids get sick. The air conditioner stops working. […]
Dust off those old dreams and revive a vision for your life! 5 secrets to get unstuck as a MilSpouse
how to Reclaim your life and dreams as a military spouse At some point in your life, you had dreams, goals and passions on your heart. You had things you wanted to do, see, be, experience. But then life happened. Deployments. PCS moves. Military life. Circumstances got in the way. And those dreams got pushed to […]
The NON-NEGOTIABLE First Step To Finding Life Purpose and Fulfillment
How to Find Life Purpose as a military spouse Hey friend, I know what it’s like to put your dreams on hold, but then lose your way. To feel purposeless. To know you’re not thriving, but not know what to do about it. To throw spaghetti at the wall trying to figure it all out. […]
“Will You Be My Emergency Contact?” 4 Tips To Make New Friends & Find Your Tribe As A Military Spouse
how to Make friends and find your tribe as a military spouse As summer comes to a close, so many of us have either moved to a new location or have had dear friends move away (myself included). And with that physical separation, often comes a sense of loneliness. And, if we aren’t intentional about […]
Military Families, Mental Health & Making Sense of Afghanistan: One Military Spouse Perspective
Making sense of afghanistan Welcome to a bonus episode of the Military Spouse Mastermind Show. Over the last couple of weeks I’ve struggled to process all of my feelings and emotions about the mass evacuations from Afghanistan, the loss of 13 service members, and the end of America’s longest war. I’m sure many of you […]
Home Is Where The Military Sends Us: How to Create “Home” Wherever You Land
Home Is Where The Military Sends Us: How We Create a sense of Home and Why It Matters (Plus, 3 Steps to Start Today) Where is home for you? And, perhaps more importantly, WHAT makes it home? It might be because you grew up in a particular location. Or because that’s where your extended family […]
Home is Where the Military Sends Us: Affordable Home Decor Hacks & How To Turn Your Rental House Into Home
Home Decor Hacks & Tips to Turn Your Rental House (Or Military Housing) Into A Home Hey friend, I’ve seen it happen many times. You know you’ll only be stationed somewhere for a short amount of time. So you rationalize that you don’t need to take the time to make your space feel like home. […]
A Deployment, a Podcast, and a Dinner Party: Uncovering Clues to a Life of Purpose Bigger & Better Than You Dreamed
How To Uncover And Pursue A Life of Purpose How could your life look different, even if none of your circumstances changed? Today’s conversation is with Jessie Ellertson, a National Guard spouse, mom of six, and life coach for military wives. Jessie shares her story of how a deployment, a podcast, and a dinner party […]